Medal Presentation Breakfast
4 February2017
RDTA Medal Exam Presentation - Breakfast
5 February 2017
RDTA Annual Medal Exams - Bedfordview Studio
19 November 2016
Black Tie Ball
29 October 2016
6October 2016
Dancelot presented and honored Fatima for being the longest student in the Bedfordview Strictly Ballroom and Latin American Group Class and has not missed one lesson in the past year. Congratulations!
Dancelot's Wedding Expo - With Alta, Nico, Michelle, and Xander
17 September 2016
Dancelot - Out and about
12May 2016
Brian Schmidt with ABC Networking Club - Bedfordview. Dancelot's Ballroom and Latin American Show Dance with Anneliese Plettenbacher and Gilda's Fashion Show
Dancelot's Annual Ballroom and Latin American Medal Day Presentation Breakfast - Bedfordview.
10th of April 2016
Dancelot's Ballroom and Latin American Easter Social Dance - Bedfordview
23 March 2016
Dancelot's Annual Ballroom and Latin American Medal day
12 November 2015
Dancelot's Annual Ballroom and Latin Medal Day Exams Breakfast
14 September 2014
Dancelot's Annual Ballroom and Latin Medal Day Exams Breakfast
14 September 2014
Dancelot's Annual Ballroom and Latin American Medal day
28 June 2014
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